“An important, delightful and thought-provoking book. A must read for children, parents, educators, and others who care about the well being of all of our children.”
“Jackie Swirsky has done what no one else before her has in Be Yourself - written an accessible, lively book that lets young children know that children can be ever so creative when it comes to their gender, and all of us should feel proud of who we are and love everyone else for who they are - and learn that clothes and toys and what you like to do are not for boys or girls, but for all people. A must read for children and parents, and a book that should be in the library of every early childhood program.”
“‘Be Yourself’ is an essential tool for the world to understand acceptance and love of gender creativity in children. It is a wonderful example of courage and strength from a little boy who should not feel obligated to change who he is to make society more comfortable. Thank you for leading the way for other children to be their authentic, amazing selves. ”
“If you have children, I strongly recommend you go out and pick up this book. If you are an educator I think you need this book as well. Although the message is simple and short, the values it teaches are values our children and all of society need to embrace.”
This AWARD WINNING book, ‘Be Yourself’ written by Jackie Swirsky and illustrated by her 7 year old gender creative son Jacob Swirsky and sister-in-law Jaimee Appel, features a gender creative child as the main character and teaches the message of acceptance. It empowers children to be proud of themselves just as they are and be accepting of all people no matter their style. It provides positive language around gender diversity and gives strategies for how to be accepting of others.
At the end of the book child friendly discussion questions are provided for an adult / educator to be able to guide a dialogue about acceptance specifically around the topic of gender followed by information on how to create an inclusive, supportive environment for gender creative children. Listening to the song / reading this engaging book with your children or in your classroom is a fun and educational way to share the concepts of empathy, kindness and acceptance.